Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Love Never Fails.

The greatest gift I ever received was being in the family I am in. Could I have picked a better family?! I couldn't imagine. Sarah drove down from Utah with Naomi on Wednesday. We of course had plenty of work for her to do once she got into town. She is so Utah chic now! We went shopping and found some good Pre-Black Friday deals. Ben arrived at 2am! Thursday morning. Mama and I had been staying up for the past few nights until about 3 watching Netflix and "cleaning the house" that it didn't seem too out of the ordinary for us to pick him up. Mama also remembered that we needed to drop some library books off for donation so we made that part of our errands in the middle of the night. Once we got Benny we didn't go to bed. We stayed up until about 4 talking and laughing, catching up since the last time we had been together. Jonny thought for a moment these people are crazy! But then again, this is how we have always been and thought maybe he was the odd one out!

Thanksgiving came too quickly. Grandam Cleta and Papa Al brought Gran down and stayed until Sunday. We invited some family friends to dinner and Sami and Beckett came too. I had invited the missionaries over and I am sure they left with funny stories to tell home about this wild bunch from New Mexico. Elder Gomez and Elder Faughton, of course prepared a lesson for us. After about 5 minutes of trying to get us all to hush up so they could teach us Elder Gomez started talking about the blessings we receive are from Heavenly Father and around this time we reflect on how to give thanks to Him and to our family and friends around us. While he as speaking and everyone was quiet Gran had to ask a question as she always does with perfect timing. She said, "That's an Indian boy idanit?" After ALL of us busted out in laughter, including Elder Gomez, Grandma Cleta raised her voice to say "No, he is Hawaiian!" Elder Gomez was sure to say he was thankful for us and that comment!

The next day we went Black Friday Shopping but of course we didn't leave the house until 10. We got some good stuff but the best thing I got was the next day. Aunt Lisa had come down because Nathan had gone through the temple and we had a little party at our house afterwards. She brought me into my room and said she had a gift for us girls. I got the prettiest rose gold necklace with a rose pendant on it. Wow! Am I the favorite or what!? I loved it and I LOVE Aunt Lisa. How did I get so lucky??

The saddest part of the weekend came on Sunday. Sarah and Ben made their way back home and we were separated again. We didn't even get a picture together! Now that in 2 weeks Nathan will make his way off to being a missionary and in 30 days I will be headed to Utah our family will be apart for a few years and maybe, hopefully, some added members will be at the airport as well to greet him after his service!

When I think about that I think about us all living in different towns and our kids not being as close to their cousins as we are it makes me sad but then I remember that we never lived close to our cousins. That we decided a long time ago that we loved each other and distance wouldn't force us to not know each other. A friend once asked me why I spend so much time with my family when, to her, we could just be together one day in Heaven. I responded that I knew some members wouldn't make it so I was going to have Heaven on Earth with the people I loved the most. She didn't quite understand but that thought truly does break my heart. I wish we all would make better decisions and grow toward the goal of being together in an Eternal Family and with our Father in Heaven. I know everyone has to make this choice on their own but I wish that they would realize the blessings they have are really extraordinary.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return."
                                                                                                                     - Moulin Rouge

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Papa Al

On Sunday Papa Al turned 66! Him and Grandma Cleta were in town for the occasion so after church we went to eat a late lunch. We had such a great time together laughing and reminiscing about fun times from long ago. These are some memories I will always remember about my Papa. 

No matter what new pair of shoes we got or how many times we tried we could never out run him. Even to this day I think he could still sprint faster than any of us kids. He knew how fast he was and he always instigated the race. What a little snot! Setting us up to lose! ;)

He didn't beat us in just a running race. Papa was one of the people that taught me how to drive. (I blame him for my accidents, tickets and mishaps!) One day I was at a stop light with a friend in the passenger seat. In the car next to us was a man revving his engine and spinning out the tires. He had a huge grin on his face and acted as if he wanted to burn me off the line. My friend looked at me and said are you gonna race that crazy man? In a split second I said Yeah! Why wouldn't I?! And mashed the pedal. I didn't win and my friend said "Wow, I wasn't expecting you to really race that guy!" "Why wouldn't I?!" I yelled. That's my Papa. I knew he would win but still put the pedal to the metal! 

When we were little we would spend almost every Friday night at Grandma and Papa's house. Some nights in the summer we would convince him to let us sleep outside under the stars. Papa would always agree and drag out the queen size mattress for all of us to sleep on. We loved nights like these and would talk and laugh all night long. The morning was the best part. The sun would shine right on us almost melting us it was so hot. Right before we were at our breaking point and go inside the sprinklers would turn on. We would jump and holler, running inside before our blankets and pillows were soaked.

Papa always loved old cars. He got a few old Jeeps that he said was to help us learn to drive on. I never bought that line. I knew he loved zipping those Jeeps all over the backyard and along the ditch. I especially remember when it rained heavily the day before the backyard would be filled with mud puddles. We would pile in the Jeep and he would drive what seemed to be 100 miles an hour in circles and straight lines. We held on for dear life to the roll bar and a few times I thought I was a goner. We were flying for sure but never flew out!

Papa loves being Santa Claus. When other little kids would see him around town they would sit and stare at him until he said "Do you know who I am?". They would nod at the big secret and Papa would respond well then be good this year so I can visit you on Christmas. Growing up kids would say that Santa didn't exist but we had our very own Santa all to ourselves!

When Sarah, Sami and I were in Girl Scouts every year we would have a Daddy/Daughter Dance. There were 3 of us and we only had one dad, of course, so Papa was my date and Jonny was Sami's. I remember Papa always loved to dance. Every song that played we were on the dance floor. Now that I am older and attend Church Dances I am so proud that Papa taught me how to dance. Now when I dance the two-step and country swing I can't help but smile and wish my partner was him. He was always so light on his feet!

When Grandma was out of town we would go over in the evenings to keep Papa company. We always found him eating crackers with cheese and meat (maybe he invented the lunchable!?) and finishing it off with butter-pecan ice cream. Eating ice cream and watch old John Wayne movies became a tradition when Grandma was away. 

Papa always said there were two kinds of music. Country and Western. The very first song I learned was taught to me by him. It was Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash. I still remember the lines and sitting on the orange stools while Grandma recorded us singing on her video camera. He was always so proud of us. I just wish he would have taught us to sing in key!

Papa's truck was different than my Daddy's. He had a cab-over that was black with red strips. I remember the most going with him to Rocky Mountain Stone to load or deliver. In the sleeper of the truck was an old (probably new at the time) Polaroid camera. I am sure I used every sheet of film in that camera each time I went with him!

There wasn't one thing I can think of that Papa didn't support us in. He came to our softball and soccer games and when we spoke in church or had our Primary Program he would always come and tell us how wonderful we did. He always said that no kid was better than us and he really made us believe that.

Monday, October 24, 2011

"After all, tomorrow is another day."

I finally watched Gone with the Wind and can I tell you how much I loved it!

I loved the southern culture.
I loved the war and history.
I loved that people were drawn to Scarlett's attitude and ambition.
I loved the importance of self-reliance.
I loved the Mammy.
I loved that Melanie loved Scarlett so much. No matter what.
I loved that Ashley symbolized the Old South.
I loved that Rhett symbolized the New South.
The struggle of tradition and trying to survive the new era was evident in both.
I loved the southern belles.
I loved how money meant you had power. That Scarlett was scandalous for knowing that she needed it even if it was to save Tara.
I loved that Bonnie loved her mother. Even if she wasn't the best suited for the job.
I loved that Rhett Butler always complimented Scarlett's unladylike behavior.
I loved that alcohol was abused by everyone. And that it made everything worse.
I loved that blackmail, deceit, and prostitution drove peoples decisions.
I loved the importance of the land. That the story began and ended with Tara.
I loved how Scarlett was ahead of her time. She was brilliant, a go-getter, and confident.
I loved that Scarlett was distracted by someone that ended up never loving her and she never loved him. Once she realized that she loved Rhett the whole time it was too late. He left.
I loved that Rhett loved her daughter Bonnie so much. When she died he couldn't let it go. Scarlett's child like behavior would always remind him of Bonnie. That was too much for him to handle.

This movie made me realize who I want to be. What I want to become. What I want to be remembered for.
I want to be determined. To win at what I do. To be the best.
I want to be confident and not care what others say about me or what I do.
I want to love the people in my life with all that I have.
I want to be independent.
I want to let the people that care most about me in my life.
I want to be a survivor.
I never want to forget where I came from.
And frankly, my dear,
I want to make my own love story.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Favorite Date.

Just about once a month or so I go on a date. With the same person and we do the same thing. We go out for a movie. It is usually a chick flick with an actor that I find entertaining and attractive. I have the best time! I always look forward to it and the funny part is is that I am the one paying. I make the plan, pay and I drive. You may be thinking... "Well, Rosey.. No wonder you're still single! You're dating all wrong!" But I am doing just fine.

My date is my mother. I love going out with her. She is the best to watch a romantic comedy with. She laughs just as hard as I do. She cries just as much. She may spend a little more on candy and cokes but she is worth it! This last Wednesday we went to a movie and had such a great time. We laughed and then joked the whole time. On the way home we even talked about how it made us want to be in a Flash Mob! Can you imagine my mom doing that?! I need to find us a Flash Mob before I leave! Pure hilarity!

When I think about moving to Utah in January one of the things I am sure to miss is the date night that I have with her. She really has been my best friend for years and I am going to have a hard time adjusting to my life without her in it every day. My mom and I are going to visit my new college in a month and we are driving up. I can't wait to spend that time with her!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Friday Night Lights

Friday night was unbelievable. It has become our family night. Sami and her family, the Nodal's and our family watch BYU. Dressed in our Cougar attire, eating pizza and laughing together it has become my favorite night of the week.  Riley Nelson, the back-up quarterback, saved the game for us. It was so fun to watch as he plowed through Utah State's defense play after play. When he threw the game winning touchdown our living room went wild. Jumping up and down, screaming with excitement and hugging each other as if we had all had a part in the victory. Not only was Riley the play maker that the Cougars needed that night but we were also so mesmerized by his gorgeous locks. This hair was so impressive! I was so envious of how shiny his hair was!

The next day was very different. Caryn and I went to the Lobo/NM State game. The game seemed to be the one win the Lobos would get this year. A new head coach and a rivalry would fuel our team to victory. Sadly that didn't happen. As we got to the bleachers we noticed that many of the students seemed sick. Most had been tailgating for hours before the game and couldn't stand for more than a few minutes to watch the game. Students had began to start puking everywhere. The stench of it was overwhelming and we tried to find better seating. This seemed to be the case in every section. By this time we were down by 3 touchdowns! Our goal was to stay until halftime but after a fan fell on me we decided we should make our way out.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Weak in the Knees


It works and tonight was an answer. 
For the last few weeks I had been praying for something to happen. 
That I would be in the right spot at the right time. 
Tonight I think I was. 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Off the Beaten Path

It's early Friday morning and Solon, Pam and I are off to Provo.. or at least we thought we were. It was really early and I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before and ended up driving the WRONG WAY to Utah. What was wrong with me?! I was headed to Grandma's I guess. So after a rough start, Solon took the drivers seat and we were headed for Utah! Just a few hours later than we had planed but luckily Solon and Pam didn't mind too much and found more amusement in teasing me over the situation 
rather than getting mad.

While on our way Solon had always wanted to stop and check out the cave at the base of this rock formation. After putting us back 3 hours how could I say no?! So we headed toward it. Little did I know that the road to the rock wasn't meant for little cars like mine! Off-roading to get to it is a bit of an understatement but we managed to get there without getting stuck. Muddy but not stuck! 

 I happened to have a flashlight so we could really investigate this cave. That wasn't necessary though. This is hardly a cave but it was a fun little side adventure to finally put our curiosity to rest.

I thought while we were on adventures to places we had never checked out we might stop at the Hole 'N Rock that I have passed over 100 times. Sadly I can't say we stopped. Like I always say.. Maybe next time.

These windmills are so creepy! Don't ask me why but every time I pass by them they just give me the hebbie-jeebies!

We love this place! We always try and make it to this restaurant while we are in Provo and this time we did! We order the same thing every time too. Why mess up a good thing. We were so hungry I am sure we would have loved it no matter how it tasted.

By the time we were done eating we were so tired from being in the car for 15 hours. We were going to stay at Solon's aunt and uncles house but couldn't get ahold of them. We decided to stay at the Super 8. I can't remember if it is a hotel or a motel so I will just call it that!

We made it to the bookstore too! I bought two really cute shirts with the help of Sarah. There is so much stuff too look at and too many decisions to be made for me to pick what to buy so I recruited her help. Now I have options for our football Saturdays!

 We also gave Sarah a new nickname on this trip. "Coy" showed us J Dawgs. A local hotdog joint that was founded by a BYU Business student. Coy and Diva chowed down while Peter Pam and I held out for something tastier. 

We held out for In-N-Out. Just as we thought it hit the spot!

After this we were in a food coma. Diva in the back acting just as his name describes as we decide what to do next.
 We had a few hours to kill and so I suggested that we go see a movie. I knew about the new Ryan Gosling movie Drive that just came out and suggested we see it. That is literally all I knew about the movie. Wow! This movie was definitely rated R for a reason but it was so good! If you're into that kind of movie then I really suggest you go see it. I wanna go again!

 We met a few friends for dinner before the game. Zupas is a soup and sandwich place and it was good and the company was better! Michael Castle and Megan Hardy met us there and then we were off to the game!

The stadium looked a little different than the last time we were there. They painted the two pillars blue and added the Y. Looks good!

A few of our friends couldn't come to the game so we had Diva scalp the tickets. He did a great job!
 Aren't we the cutest BYU fans in the stadium! We were completely surrounded by Ute fans and Coy and I were about to go buck on them! As the game went on more and more BYU fans were flooding out of the stadium. Our cougars lost pretty badly but we stayed until the very end. RISE UP!

The second night we stayed at Aunt Kathy's. It's like having a hotel room there! It is so nice and we appreciate it when we can stay there. We will be up a few more times before the football season is over!

On the way home we were making good time(maybe we were just jaded by how long it took us to get there) so we decided to stop at a restaurant in Moab to eat lunch. Pasta Jay's was so good!
 I thought that I would try to stop at this arch on the way home, too. When we had passed it on the way there was a family leaving the arch. Those kids looked like they were having so much fun and I wanted to join in! We passed this for the second time but I am going to make sure we stop the next time we go up!

I had such a fun time even if the cougars lost by sooo much. Seeing Sarah was such a blast and Pam and Solon are the best travel companions even if I was banished to the back seat for the rest of the trip. In a couple months we will be having just as much fun as we did this time!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Campers

A few weeks ago a group of us had gone to go camping and trying to get our group of friends organized is, to put it simple, an act of congress but I did it. It did turn out to be disaster after disaster.

1. Almost too many people were going which makes things not as fun.
2. When we got to the lake to camp it was closed because of near by fires.
3. We decided to go to the Jemez to camp but it would take us about an hour and a half to get there.
4. Once we got there we couldn't find a camp ground.
5. The hotdogs we made were burnt.
6. I am surprised I didn't freeze to death after the worst night of my life.
7. Woke up the the forest ranger 'bout to write us tickets for camping in a Day Camp but we looked like good kids and let us pack up and leave.

All and all I still had a great time with friends but Solon decided before the summer was over we needed to go camping. Real camping. The kind of camping men plan. So I said have at it. This was the results.

1. We were all left in the dark about when we were leaving. About an hour before we left we were notified where to meet.

2. Some of the people that would have come had been taking their Sunday naps and didn't wake up in time to catch the ride out of town.

3. When we were getting our "food" at the gas station we were told about the raging party that was happening at the Canyon next weekend. We'll have to definitely get back for that! ;)

4. When we got there, Solon forgot the guitar so we just sang songs and played my "awful" music from my iPod.

5. Joe mad a bomb fire like a real man.

6. Pam and I were toasty warm most of the night and woke up to a pleasant temperature.

7. We made it in and out of the canyon with just a few mishaps but nothing like a few prior experiences.

8. As much as I want to admit it, it was better that the time before but I don't think it's because "men" planned it.

Best Friends Are Like Diamonds, Precious and Rare.

It was Sami's birthday on Friday and I decided to take her to get a pedicure. Sarah was in town so she came as well. We went to a place that was up the street from my office because we remembered the Grand Opening Godzilla that was on the roof. Sadly it wasn't there when we got there. We went inside and it was so nice. The ladies told us to pick a color and Sami, of course, choose "Cougar Blue" and Sarah choose "Lobo Red". I went with my usual French Tip however writing this now I realized we are really patriotic by our color choices! Maybe I will call mine Freedom Tip from now on. ;)

As we were getting our toes done it came up that it was Sami's birthday the next day. The lady asked if she had plans for the day and she said probably dinner with my husband. Sarah and I winked at each other because we were in on a secret. Beckett had been planning a surprise dinner at the Sushi King for just the young folk. Rocky spent the night at Mamy and Papa's house and we met them at the restaurant. I couldn't wait to see her face when she walked up the stairs onto the balcony to see all of us there. She was so surprised! She had seen the menu Beck had out for dinner but didn't expect for all of us to be there. We had so much fun and I am not really one to like sushi but with the help of my high class sister Sarah I loved every bite! So good!

We went back to our house for ice cream cake and gifts. It was such a fun night. They left to go home while we watched "The Proposal", for probably the millionth time. I love that movie it never gets old!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Let's Roll

There aren't many days in my life that I can remember so vividly as I do with September 11, 2001. I was 14 years old and had just gotten out of seminary. Sister Peay had told us a little of what she knew had been happening out in the world. She usually gave us a ride home and then Mama would take us to school. Sarah and I were usually chatter boxes being as how we had been up for a few hours already. This day was different. We were silent and when we got home we told Mama about a plane hitting a tower in NY. Mama was confused and turned on the T.V. She seemed to not leave view of it for a week. As we drove to school the the 2nd plane had hit the building. I was a naive girl at the time and didn't understand that people had done this intentionally. Once I understood I then couldn't understand why people would want to inflict so much pain and hurt on perfect strangers. How could this happen to America? How would this end?

As we got to school my first class period was P.E. We had a long discussion about how this would mold us as a generation. Coach Schultz was a tough guy but this was the first time I had seen him get emotional and teach us about what our lives were gonna be about. He knew this was going to change our nation and the way we were going to grow up. He tried to prepare our minds for what was to happen.

2nd period wasn't the same. Biology. Something you would think you could go on without learning for a day. No. Our teacher told us that the T.V. would be on but that we would continue with the lesson. I didn't understand because in history class we always had to interview someone that had lived through an important time in history. This was my experience. By this time the plane in Pennsylvania had crashed in a field and the Pentagon had been hit. This was getting worse as the day went on and I can't count the times I had cried during my classes as we talked about the events.

Well, it's been 10 years and today my mom and brother were remembering the things we have learned from that day. Here are some highlights:

-Heroes are everywhere. Sure the firemen and police were "just doing their job". They could have done other jobs that day and avoided the area and many went to help on their day off. Everyone has a choice. They chose to help save lives that day. As people were stumbling down the stairs on their way out of the building the firemen running up the stairs never missed a beat. They had been trained for this. They were not going to quit.

-Nationwide everyone was glued to the T.V. Most people didn't have a connection at all to NYC however, everyone took the attack personally. How could this happen to "us"? What could we do to help? Pictures of people coming out of the rubble, posters of missing family members, and days of searching for anything lead Americans to show their patriotism. Flags were hung everywhere. Prayers always had protect our country and support our troops. We were all united in a passion for freedom.

-Flight 93 was a perfect example of what it means to be an American. Their flight was delayed and resulted in many of the passengers finding out about the previous plane hijackings. They decided and voted on what they should do. They planed and executed a scheme to overtake the plane. They were heroic that day in saving who knows how many lives. They sacrificed everything for people they knew nothing about. This was the first successful battle for the war against terrorism.

-After this day you couldn't go anywhere without seeing a flag. As we waited line to be dropped off for school every car had window flags, pick-up trucks had them on either side of the beds and motorcycles drove with them on the back. Flags were everywhere to be seen. Driving through neighborhoods every home had either a flagpole or flags on their garage. Sami had Daddy and the boys hang her 6x10 flag we once had in our room out in our front yard. It hung in between the trees and no passing car could go without seeing it. Mama still has the flag she put in her car from that day. It's a little faded from before but still hanging from our mirror. 

-America IS a blessed nation. Our leaders have been inspired by Heavenly Father to make our nation what it is today. There is no other place I would rather live in this world. We all have an obligation to do our part whether it's helping someone in need in our community, voting, or united together in a cause that is much greater than we may understand. We all give some but some give all.

We have come so far in 10 years. The sacrifices others have made for me remind me of the sacrifice that Christ has mad for us all however we are not strangers. He knows all of us by name. He loves us and protects us while still give us our agency. We are forever indebted to him for his Atonement.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fright Night

GV, Solon and I went to see this movie tonight. Fright Night in one word was Frightening. This movie was so comical yet so scary at the same time. I am not sure that's how others would discribe it being as how I was the only one in a sold out theater to scream. Typical me. I guess at least it added to the comedy for GV and Solie. I don't want to give away the movie but it was sooo good. If you want a good date movie this would be it. LOVED IT!

One the way home I remembered that I had left my billfold at my friends Arik's house the night before. He had a costume party and it was a blast. With the help of Shawn he found it and Jenny put it in her purse until we would meet up. Hindsight's 20/20 and I will letcha know why...

- I called Jenny to find out where to meet her. Since she hadn't called me after she went to Cliff's as she said she would. She gave me her address and GV and I went for a ride into Rio Rancho. Low and behold she lives in the neighborhood that Fright Night was filmed in. I am freaking at this point. (Not really). We wait at the door for her to greet us and the window is covered with black film, just like vampires in Fright Night had on their windows. I am freaking out a little more. (Just a little this time). Jenny opens the door and she has face paint all over like an Avatar. Thank goodness it wasn't like the face paint she had on for Arik's birthday party the night before. She was a zombie then today just an avatar. PHEW! As she opened the door she instantly realized that she had left my billfold in the glove-box of Shawn's car. Really, really Jenny. Okay, I guess it was out of Cabazon and off to Ventana Ranch for me and GV.

Today I got my windows tinted and they are sooo dark. It was hard to see as it started raining and by this time it was close to midnight. My mind was everywhere and as we were trying to get to Shawn's I took so many wrong turns and even ended up at some random guys house. Good thing they had a different truck than Shawn otherwise I would have been knockin' on the door at such a late hour.

Now knowing that Jenny had face paint on I was sure to tell Shawn his face better be clean when we got there.  See why I was so nervous about it. Shawn and Arik look so scary! Thank goodness he met my request and opened the door with his pleasant face, so fresh and so clean. We chatted about our days events and then off we were homeward bound. Away from the Nowhereville as GV so thoughtfully named that area of the Westside.

So, again hindsight's 20/20.. Why didn't I just have Jenny leave it on the porch at Arik's so I could get it whenever??  Why didn't I grab it on my way out after the party that night. My mind is everywhere lately and I need to get it together.  But as I said before I just got my windows tinted and I am so happy with how it turned out. This looks straight out of a magazine! The yard doesn't look too bad either!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Singing in the Summertime

Last Thursday I went to the Tim McGraw concert. Jennifer and Lindsay came to town to go with me and before hand we ate at Red Lobster. I think that is Lindsay's favorite place because she always wants to go there when she comes to Albuquerque. We didn't expect so much traffic and we missed the first show but made it in time for Luke Bryan. He was good and then we waited for the big show. TIM MCGRAW.

Geneva, Andrew and Christan thought that the traffic wouldn't be so bad either and barely made it in time for Tim. Concerts are really interesting. As we walked up to the pavilion we saw so many people chugging beer before they went in and then during the show some people couldn't even walk they were so drunk. This is were I discovered my new passion. I love to push drunks down. They were stumbling all over and they all seemed to find us. They would walk by and pause in front of us thinking they were gonna up chuck. OH NO! Keep walking I would say and push them to help them along the way. They really didn't think through their seating arrangements. Drunk on a hill is a bad idea. Some of them learned the hard way.

Tim McGraw was so fantastic in concert. He played all of his classic songs that everyone loves. I mean that's what we all wanna hear and he gave it to us. He is great in concert, I am so glad I had great people to see him with.

We had such a great time and on the way home we were pressuring Christan to flow an original rap about the evening events. I love it when she raps she is sooo awesome. Definitely a high light to the night and she didn't disappoint!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Easy Come, Easy Go...

For the last two weekends I have been working a side job. Before school starts a lot of portable buildings have to be moved from one school to the next and the only way to do that is hauling it on a truck and having escorts directing you so that you don't hit anything on the way. Well, I am an escort! It pays pretty well as you would expect an escort would be. So for a few hours on the weekend, I make a little cash!

 This is me in my "office".

 Sometimes tight corners are a problem! A little help with the forklift helped get the building through.

This last Sunday we moved three buildings. (Sorry no pictures!) The first two of course went without a hitch and then there was one left. As we were getting set up for inspection from the D.O.T. two of the tires blew out on the trailer and the driver didn't have the right tool to get the wheels off. We waited for the tire man to come but a 3 hour job turned into a 7 hour job. Luckily I had a friend with me to kill time with. Solon and I went to grab drinks and lunch for us and my brother, Nathan and while I played a game on my phone, Solon took a nap. Not a bad paycheck at the end of the day however it was extremely boring!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So this last week I have been in such a bad mood. Just not really feeling myself and I didn't know why. All I knew was I had to fix it. So I came up with a plan, go see my first crush on the big screen with some of my closest girl friends. GV and Pam were stoked to go with me and we had such a great time. We went to see Friends with Benefits and loved every minute of it (If you see it you will know why!)

But this brought me back to when I was young. I remember being in the 5th grade and seeing Justin Timberlake on the Disney Channel. It was a video of NSYNC's "I Want You Back". And every since then I wanted him back!

As a grew up my love didn't stop. He went solo and truly brought "Sexy Back'. He began acting, which I remember watching "Model Behavior", and did a fantastic job. I have watched all of his appearances on SNL and love his humor.  It doesn't hurt that he has such a nice body either. What a hunk!

I love him. JT is sooo talented. He can sing, dance, act, he is so funny and seems like a good ol' country boy from the south. My kinda dude!

I had such a great time with my friends and really I have had such a pick-me-up in the last few days. A good laugh was all I needed. I guess they are right, laughter is the best medicine.