Sarah didn't make it to one of the games because she couldn't get out of work and it was a day game. I invited my friend Hanalee to come along instead. It was so hot that day. We were literally melting. This was the first game for Hana and she was so impressed with Cosmo. I mean he is the best mascot ever! We thought it would come around and we would get a picture with him. We waited and waited and he danced and jumped and made his rounds but never made it over to us. As we were walking out of the stadium Cosmo was getting into a golf cart and about to drive away when we ran over to him for a picture! Perfect timing!

A month went by with no home games so we were stoked for the next game. It was the last home game of the season. The last chance we had to make all our goals reality. We made sure to dress so warm because the day before left about 7 inches of snow all over the stadium and the temperature drastically dropped in a matter of 2 days. It just reminded us all of the other Novembers we drove up for games and froze our butts off! As we were watching the game the camera went to the crowd! This is our chance we thought and went buck dancing and yelling. Finally we made it on the screen. Well, Sofi's paw made it and we counting that! Now that we got on the board we had more confidence we would get that picture with my boy Van Noy and we would finish our season attending every game! The game was a total blow out and we were devising our plan to get closer to the players. Like I said it was freezing and by last quarter most of the fans had decided to go home. We went down right behind the players and were distracted by them the remaining of the game. We got some waves from the players and I decided to doubt me getting my photo so I took matters into my own hands.
The game was over and we were waiting for the players to run into the locker room and from the far end of the field Sofi saw something majestic. She saw Van Noy running as if he was running right to us. We had to position ourselves is a good spot. Let me remind you again that snow is everywhere and it is below freezing temperatures so we couldn't just run from one place to the other. It was treacherous! I made my way to him and he was taking a picture with a family and I thought this is happening! I looked around for anyone to take my picture and no one was near me. I began to panic but Sarah came bursting through the crowd and said "I'm here, I'm here!!" Just in time again! I asked him for a photo and like everyone has told me he was soooo nice. Exactly what I wanted him to be. Took a picture with each of us and before he even walked away we jumped up and down together happy as can be that we made all of our goals on our list come true!
Later that night we found out that that might be Van Noy's last home game at LaVell Edward's Stadium. He is deciding wether he wants to enter the draft or return for his senior year. Maybe the Steelers will pick him up or maybe he will come back next season! Either way, I love him!