Tuesday, January 17, 2012

My Daddy! My Hero!

Last week was my dad's 52nd birthday! (Which was debatable until a few years ago and now we just question what his actual name is) In nearly 25 years of my life he has taught me sooo much and helped shape me into the person I am today.

Here are some of his lessons he taught and the reasons I love him:

  • The Church is true. If you mess up STOP. Never return to that place again. Heavenly Father loves you and will offer Christ's atonement and NEVER stop loving you. And neither will he.
  • Chickens have gizzards.
  • Working hard is a must. No matter what you're working at.
  • Everyone has a fightin' side. Dad has a Texas Knuckle to prove it.
  • Even fat boys can do pull ups. A ton at that!
  • In a debate he will try and flip to your side to become right. Be on the watch!
  • Texting isn't just for kids. He has mastered the lingo. He he he.
  • Family are your friends FOREVER. I am so thankful that he taught me at a young age that no matter how much you think a friend is a friend it can't compare with a sibling's love.
  • Never go too long without saying I love you.
  • Don't be too proud to say I am sorry.
  • After a dinner prayer it is perfectly acceptable to yell "CHOW DOWN".
  • Make sure you have free mobile to mobile. When you talk on the phone 24/7 it comes in handy.
  • Let your actions speak about your character. Boasting is unbecoming and doesn't mean as much.
  • He is your biggest fan. If he thinks you're "out of gas" he will try and help!
  • Coats will always be too long in the arms. I inherited his short arms... and well short legs.
  • When you wear sunglasses your official name is changed to Hollywood.
  • It's fun to play and more fun to win but potato sack races are dangerous. "Sacrifice your body!"
  • Share your testimony. Share it over and over. Never hold your tongue about something so precious. 
  • My brothers have beards because he never taught them to shave.
  • Be creative. Example: His watchdog named "Watch" and his dalmatian named "Spot".
  • He loves his kids and has to inform them at least once a day by text message at 6am.
  • No matter how old I get I will always be the baby.
I love you, Daddy. Always have, always will.
                                                           ... he he he. 

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