Friday, July 27, 2012

"In the Pink"

When you think about the day you will go to the temple for yourself you think everything will be flawless. You will be overwhelmed with the spirit and remember that day for the rest of your life. Well.. two out of three ain't bad. Right?

The temple was so special. My family that was there with me said some of the most precious things to me and showed me what the Gospel of Jesus Christ promises us. Every time I return to the temple I learn something new but I continue to feel the love my Heavenly Father has for me. I want nothing more than for my family to be in the Celestial room all together one day!

The spiritual experiences I have had in the temple only get better and better each time I go. Thank goodness! I can't imagine it getting worse than the first time, with exception to Sami's experience ;) I find myself wanting to go every week and learn more and more. I love the way I feel when I leave this special place!