Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fat Tuesday

Yesterday Sarah and I were decided what to eat for dinner. Cooking would be out of the question so we settled on Chick-Fil-A. When we got there the whole place was decorated for Mardi Gras. I totally forgot that that was today because, while we are from Louisiana, that's not the culture that we take from that state. While standing in line the lady asked us if we would like to help celebrate it with, as Mike Taylor calls them, the-show-em-all beads. Of course we would!!

We ordered our food and we sat at a table. Another lady came by and told us that when we were done eating we could go into the corner of the restaurant and have some King Cake, get our faces painted or make a mask. We did not make any masks because, like most of you know, I think masks are freaky! But I kept being shocked by how everyone there was so friendly and it didn't stop. We got samples of food and bags of candy too.

When I went to get my slice of the King Cake I was really hoping that I would end up with the "baby" or coin they put in it. I am usually lucky when it comes to stuff like that and she even gave me two slices because the first was pretty small but no such luck for me. Sarah believes that there wasn't one in there at all and that I was crazy but I just don't think Sarah knows about the tradition!

While eating I was curious about Mardi Gras and googled some stuff.
Purple represents Justice
Green represents Faith
And Gold represents Power 
Don't pick up the beads from the ground. Its bad luck! 
Masks are worn to help keep the King and Queen of Mardi Gras a secret until it's announced at the festivities.  

Bourbon Street may have had a huge party on Tuesday night but NO ONE had more fun than me and Sarah! And with all the food we ate we have a new idea of what "Fat Tuesday" means!
"Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler"

Monday, February 20, 2012

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

Things I have learned while living in Utah.
- You will catch every red light. 
- Restaurants ask "to stay or to go" instead of "for here or to go". 
- At red lights stop before the cross walk. There are pedestrians here and lots of them.
- People say adult in a weird accent. I felt dumb for not understanding.
- There's not only a church building on every corner but a temple in every county.
- The sun shines in your eyes at all times of the day.
- Legend's is the greatest sports bar in the city.
- The trax isn't just for environmentalist and homeless.
- Not everyone is LDS. And I've met almost all of them.
- Going the wrong way on 600 could just about get you killed. 
- Hires hamburgers is a great "hangout".
- You can't bring large bags into the U's bookstore.
- To avoid homeless people cut through temple square.
- Lion house is good but not worth the money.
- The people at Sonic love you more than the ones do back home. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Rose of My Heart

The beginning of February we traveled to Oklahoma, as Papa Al would say for the LAST TIME EVER!, for my Great-Great Grannie Rosie's funeral. I had known Grannie my whole life and while we were sitting in the church we had the chance to share our memories. I learned some things from the stories that were told and realized she was more apart of me than I had known.

Grannie loved to laugh. Most of the time she would get so tickled that it was hard to get anything done. She laughed and laughed so hard that at times she would pee herself. At least I know this runs in the family! One day Grannie was with her brother, Uncle Bud, his wife Thelma, their son Tommy and Dane. They were picking huckleberries when one of them had kicked a bumble bee nest. The bees started swarming all around them and Grannie had a front row view for the show. She was laughing so hard seeing them run and holler as the bee's began to sting them. Grannie could have avoided getting stung all together but because she couldn't stop laughing she didn't run and laughed so hard she pee'd her pants. All Grannie could do was pull the big yellow jackets from her head and arms and laugh.

Grannie was always on the go. She loved to go places. When she was a young girl she would go to the town dances and the boys would fight over who go to take her out on the floor. Grandpa Roy seemed to win that fight in a hurry beings that they got married when she was 18. For her last birthday a cousin had driven down a couple hundred miles to make it for the party. He pulled up on his motorcycle and saw everyone in the front yard and said "Who wants to go for a ride?!" Well, you guessed it. Grannie hopped on the back and they went around the block. Nothing was ever going to keep her from a good time!

Grannie loved everyone and most of all she took care of everyone. We would travel to Oklahoma for Christmas and because my family can never leave on time we would seem to show up in the middle of the night. When we got to the house she would always wake up and greet us no matter how quiet we seemed to be. I don't really think we know how to be quiet, but it helped that we would be in trouble if we didn't wake her up when we got in. When should would hug us she always made sure you felt squeezed tight. She would ask us if we were hungry, have our beds already pulled out and a pile of blankets set in the living room for us to get. The next morning we would wake up to a breakfast fit for kings. Biscuits and gravy, eggs and toast, sausage and bacon, pancakes and molasses and Ben's all time favorite chicken and dumplings. Ben always said no one made them better than Grannie.  

Grannie was such a comedian. She would tell the funniest jokes and never enjoyed just quiet. She loved to talk and tell stories. If there was a lull in conversation she would fix that by cracking a joke. Sometimes they were jokes we had already heard but the way Grannie would tell them would always make us laugh again. Mama told a story of her and Jonny finding a dead rat. Grannie went outside and buried it in the garden and told them not to bother it. Mama and Jonny shook their heads and went off to play. Grannie knew what they were up to and I am sure watched them out the kitchen window and laughed when she heard them screaming when they found the tail!

So while Grannie had given me my name she gave me more than that. She taught me to love and take care of the people in your life. She taught me that life was funny and to fill it with giggles. Grannie had such an amazing life and I am so thankful that she could spend so much of it together. I am so happy that she has moved on to a life where her family has waiting for her for so long. They had to wait a long time for her and I miss her already!

Andrew, Ricky and I were laughing at what Papa Al had said. That we would never come to Oklahoma again! This made us all laugh but it also makes me so thankful that no matter where my family is, and how much we hate where they might live, we are willing to make the sacrifices to be together. That there is a new meeting place for us and we will all be there for the next party.