My branch went to a park to play football with another ward in the morning. Solon was the bomb diggity at QB and I was an excellent cheerleader. Being one of maybe 3 girls there and the fact that they were calling plays and penalties I felt more suited on the sideline. Which was all good anyhow being that I had to leave to play a sport more up to my par. Softball!
I love softball and while I played for over a decade I don't feel I am very good. Others on the other had tell me differently. I was there for maybe 5 plays. I caught a line drive, threw to second for an out, and helped another player know what to do. I got the nickname Bam-Bam after hitting a homerun and was called the teams clutch player. Really, what do they expect? Winners win :)
<-- I made the Alameda All-Stars when I was about 11 or 12. I was usually 3rd based when I played but now I enjoy playing 1st. I get more action that way ;)

After the softball game I met up with Solon and our families at the North Valley Pig Roast. It was so nice to see lots of friendly faces that I had grown up with even though we pretty much stayed at one table. Rocky is so adorable. He definitely doesn't get low on kisses and hugs when we are all around.
We sped off to another party to make a splash. We swam for nearly 3 hours at Chelsea's pool and I got roasted. My forehead is just now finished pealing. It was such a blast I wish we cold have more days like that. It really felt like summer. We played 'sharks and minnows' and 'colors', went down the slide and some tried to get a tan. One of the highlights for sure.
It went home to shower and get ready for the next party. University Branch was having a pot luck that we went to and it was so funny to see everyone there red faced and tired. It was relaxing and we all need that after our busy morning.
I am so thankful for my friends and family especially those serve our country and protect its freedom. (After all it was Memorial Day) As Winston Churchill stated "All give some. Some give all." Thank you so much for the sacrifices you give to all of us so that we may have the opportunities this country gives to us and the freedom we have to live our lives in pursuit of happiness.
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