So, to prepare for the surgery I had to wear glasses for 2 weeks. Kill me now! I hated every minute of it. I never wore glasses and even slept in my contacts. I don't even like wearing sunglasses that's how bad I hate them. Well it paid off!
The surgery went without a hitch. They said I was a perfect model patient and that I did everything right. (I think they have to say that to me though!) Good thing they gave me some drugs because I was really freaking out! All I could see was a bright light and Dr. Bernitsky's shadow. I could hear everyone in the room but couldn't see. The whole time I was thinking I have to be brave! I tell everyone everyday that it's no biggie and to get it done and when it came to me I couldn't act a fool. Thank goodness Gay was there holding my hand. She really helped me through. I love them!
Of course after the surgery you rest in the recliner. I then started to cry. So many mixed emotions. Nervous, exhausted, massive headache, excited, and so thrilled that I finally did it. I finally got through all the hard stuff and could live without contacts and glasses.

I can see 20/15 now and I have never been happier! Everyday I thank Heavenly Father for helping me find such great people to work for and the blessings this job gives me. I am one lucky girl!
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